What are the different study options in New Zealand?
New Zealand's tertiary education offers a wide range of options for international students seeking to widen their horizons. Whether you are interested in academic, vocational, or technical education, engineering, agriculture, education, or finance, there is an option for you.
There are also different kinds of education providers to accommodate for international students from all paths.
What should I study?
If you wish to remain in New Zealand to gain local work experience after graduating, you need to carefully consider studying a qualification that is both in demand on the job market, but also that will grant you a post-study work visa and potentially a pathway to residency. Indeed, after finishing a qualification in a high-demand field in New Zealand, you might have the opportunity to extend your stay in the country by applying for a different work visa or a skilled migrant visa. This could allow you to continue working in New Zealand after your post-study work visa expires.
Industries that are in high-demand
Three types of tertiary education providers
Leading the way through academic excellence, individual thought, and global connections, New Zealand universities focus on real world skills to make you work-ready or further your research. Their qualifications are highly sought after and make graduates highly employable on the global scene.
Find out more about New Zealand's eight universities.
See courses by subject
- Aerospace Engineering and Technology 4
- Automotive Engineering and Technology 2
- Civil Engineering 7
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Technology 5
- Geomatic Engineering 0
- Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology 2
- Maritime Engineering and Technology 7
- Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Technology 9
- Process and Resources Engineering 4
- Behavioural Science 1
- Economics 16
- Human Welfare Studies and Services 20
- Justice and Law Enforcement 13
- Language and Literature 17
- Law 12
- Librarianship, Information Management and Curatorial Studies 3
- Philosophy and Religious Studies 10
- Political Science and Policy Studies 20
- Sport and Recreation 19
- Studies in Human Society 14